by Qanka Land



It is a mobile platform and organization that aims to raise the skills of university students to the next level in the face of all uncertainties while creating the workforce of the future, records their academic and non-academic activities with the logic of e-portfolio, and provides access to all data fields within the university from a single point.Puma transforms in 5 areas:1- Motivation - Gamification (Goal, Badge, Reward, Experience Points)2- High Level Competency (Cognitive, Leadership, Digital, Interpersonal Relationship, Technical) Reference (Based on McKinsey, Deloitte, World Economic Forum Upskilling criteria)3- Career (E-Portfolio – Networking, Club management)4- Innovation (Blockchain, NFT infrastructure)5- Data analysis and reporting (integration with CATS, ORION and other 3rd party applications and analysis of collected big data)